Good Hope's Program Overview
Good Hope’s goal is to fight educational inequality. We offer our services especially to teenagers from less privileged families. Our main programs are:
Our Stepping Stone Program for Marginalized Youth
This program is designed for Standard 7 (Primary School) graduates who have not been given the opportunity to join Secondary School. We invite the student to join our classes for about two years in order to improve their English and Mathematics skills and gain confidence.
Our Student Sponsorship Program
This program is designed for graduates of our Stepping Stone Program. We grant scholarships or pair talented students with private sponsors for a school sponsorship from secondary school up to vocational training and/or university education.
Our Teenage Mothers Program
We are in the process of designing a program for girls who became pregnant while they were at school and have been denied further education due to their pregnancy. We currently offer training for tailoring. The young mothers also manufacture washable sanitary pads – our Binti Pads.
Our Early Childhood Education Program: our Kindergarten
This program is designed for children from the age of two to five years old. We provide free early childhood education and impart basic knowledge in reading, writing and calculating through creative approaches such as singing, drawing, and games. This will ensure a smooth transition to primary school education and increase a childs confidence and success rate in her/his further education.Community Social Work
Good Hope’s work is closely rooted in Moshi’s community. The Good Hope team visit the homes of all students , so the team can understand the children’s upbringing and family environment. Good Hope offers close counselling to the students and their parents or guardians.
Good Hope also makes home visits to those people in the community who are living with health challenges (cancer, heart problems, HIV/AIDS, sickle cell disease and paralysis) and are homebound. During these visits our team provides comfort, advice and transportation to medical care. These services offer human contact for those who would otherwise be isolated from society.