My name is Jutta and I am an industrial clerk. I have already volunteered twice for several months with the Good Hope Support Organization in Moshi.
My heart has belonged to the continent of AFRICA since my school days. I had previously traveled to the north of the continent and lived and worked in Egypt. But for several years I had wanted to spend a few months volunteering in a country south of the equator. While searching the internet I came across the website of the Good Hope Support Organization in Moshi. I applied directly to Good Hope by e-mail. The details about the school and the English lessons on site, questions about the visa, accommodation and the country of Tanzania were discussed in several WhatsApp phone calls. I felt very well informed so I was able to start planning my trip without any great fear of the unknown country.
Moshi is a well-organized, clean town in northern Tanzania at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. When I arrived at Kilimanjaro airport I was warmly welcomed by the director Madam Oliver and her son. The drive from the airport to Majengo, a district of Moshi, already gave me a small impression of the wonderful nature of Tanzania. I had booked Madam Oliver’s guest house as my accommodation for the next few months. It is the ideal house for me! Comfortable and furnished with a lot of heart.
The guest house is a 25-minute walk from the Good Hope School. Or you can take a motorcycle, a “bodaboda” in Swahili, and reach the school in just 10 minutes. I was really excited about the school, the pupils and the other teachers. The welcome was so warm and lovely! From the teachers and the pupils. You no longer felt like a stranger.
On the very first day, I was able to start my english lessons which I had already prepared. From Monday to Friday I often taught the older students with text comprehension exercises to expand and deepen their vocabulary but also to consolidate and explain English grammar. Teacher Thomas, who had previously taught the class on his own, was a great help to me in choosing the lesson books and supported me with his kind manner when there were any uncertainties due to the language barrier.
The students at Good Hope are very polite and hard-working and want to improve their knowledge in all subjects in order to eventually have the opportunity to go on to a private secondary school to obtain another school-leaving qualification or to go straight into vocational training.
On Fridays there are two hours of activities. What always workeed very well with the students was sport. Be it gymnastics, stretching or soccer. I also had the opportunity to teach an introduction to American square dancing on several Fridays which was great fun for everyone.
This year I had the opportunity to volunteer with the kindergarten children for a few weeks. This was a special experience for me as the little ones couldn’t really understand me with their limited English vocabulary. But we communicated with our eyes and gestures. I looked forward to the “Good morning, teacher” greeting and the “high five” from the little ones every day. š
The kindergarten teache Mr. Olivari showed me how to prepare the pupils’ exercise books with the tasks. In Tanzania writing the alphabet, words and short sentences is already taught in kindergarten, of course in English and Swahili. In addition the little ones can already solve simple math problems.
Mr. Olivari also showed me in his calm and friendly manner how I can support the pupils in solving the tasks. That was a daily highlight for me.
I felt very welcome in the kindergarten as well as in the class of older pupils and my appreciation of the Tanzanian teachers who teach at Good Hope could not be greater. The months in Tanzania passed far too quickly and back in Germany I miss the warmth and friendliness of the Good Hope- team and the students. The country and the people in Tanzania have left a deeply positive impression on me.
“Kwaheri” (goodbye) Good Hope School and “Mungu akipenda” (God willing)! I will come back one day and volunteer again.